April 28, 2011

Royal Wedding Junkie

I’m admitting that I am a Royal Wedding junkie!! I had requested 4/29/11 off from work when we all found out the exact date of the wedding. I have been watching special after special just soaking up the journey of their courtship. I guess I’m just fascinated by the new royal couple is because I remember as a little girl watching the wedding of Charles and Diana sitting with my mom just in awe of all the royalty hoopla …..As an adult I follow the news because I grew up watching Diana, Prince William and Harry. We all did really. Some of us mourned Diana’s death and know exactly where we were at when we heard the news……now watching her son get married to his “princess” I feel she will be watching down on her son on his special day!! 

Five things to watch for at the royal wedding

1. the dress ....big mystery

2. The guests , will Elton be placed by Kanye??

3. The kiss , we know there will be no kiss at the alter but on the balcony of Buckingham Palace

4. Harrys Date , will he bring Chelsey???

5. The Vows .... will they play it safe or will they pull out the stops and write their own vows?

Shel Silverstein...remember him??

The school year is ending soon and the kids have projects that are due in their different classes and I’m the one who is constantly on them to work on it a little at a time so it’s not “last minute” and we are rushing to get pages printed, things glued or have to find a poster board at 10 pm. My son has to turn in his ME book tomorrow and last night we were completing his “poetry” section and one question was to just find a random poem …….my son stared at me blankly “a poem?” …..so my mind races and I remember a poet and not just your typical Edgar Allan Poe poet, more of a kid poet…….Do you all remember Shel Silverstein??  So I Google his poems and start to read my son some of the poems that I use to read as a child and read to him while he was a little guy of course he doesn’t remember but when I start to read the poem about the Boa Constrictor we sat back and just laughed, memories of me being a little girl having to do a project of a poet and having to recite this poem just brought back chuckles of my fear of stage fright.

Oh, I'm being eaten
By a boa constrictor,
A boa constrictor,
A boa constrictor,
'm being eaten by a boa constrictor,
And I don't like it--one bit.
Well, what do you know?
It's nibblin' my toe.
Oh, gee,
It's up to my knee.
Oh my,
It's up to my thigh.
Oh, fiddle,
It's up to my middle.
Oh, heck,
It's up to my neck.
Oh, dread,
It's upmmmmmmmmmmffffffffff...

April 22, 2011

Need to seriously recharge

I mentioned earlier that the Mister and I had a tiny blow out over a blanket. I believe it was just built up frustration which led to me telling him that basically he’s acting like a baby and man up, but I really didn’t say it in those words. 

Earlier that day I came home early from work because I had been sick all morning throwing up at work (no I’m not pregnant), unable to keep my eyes open and just plain exhausted. I hid out in the bedroom and tried to get some much needed rest. I think I got in a few hours of sleep before it was time to check up on the Mister…..he was fine so I threw in a load of laundry. 

15 minutes later

The Mister :  is the washer free?
(hmmm can’t he hear the washer going ? I can)
ME: I just threw in some clothes, why?
The Mister : just wondering
(Women…we know if our guy is “just wondering” its code for “we need something done”)
ME: do you need something washed? Because you wouldn’t ask if there was something in the wash for the heck of it.
The Mister Stern: NO I was just wondering
ME about to lose it: what do you need washed!!
The Mister : Stop yelling at me
ME: yelling back: I’m not yelling at you!!...what do you need washed
The Mister: I wanted to wash my blanket
ME: give me the blanket….get off the couch right now and give me that damn blanket because I don’t want you washing it at midnight!!
(he stuck his blanket in the dryer at midnight the previous night)
The Mister : NO I will do it myself later
ME yelling: Fine do it yourself but it better not be at midnight
The Mister yelling back: what is wrong with you?
ME: what’s wrong with me?? I’m exhausted ….you handled your surgery a lot better last year and that was worse than this one. You are way more needy and demanding this time, you’re up and down all throughout the night and of course I’m up with you which causes me not to get the rest that I need. You don’t act this way during the day when your parents are here and when you call you sound all chipper but when I’m home you act like you’re dying.

I walked off feeling not one bit of guilt and headed right back to my bed to get some rest after a small nap I woke up and tip toed past the Mister…..but he wasn’t asleep….he called out to me. He then apologized for earlier and I apologized to, he gave me a kiss and for the rest of the night he asked his boys for assistance as I laid in bed catching up on “William and Kate Wedding” specials, blogging, and cuddling with my children.

Friday Five

   1.   Ladybugs bite ….who knew?? A coworker got bit by a ladybug this week so would that be       considered bad luck considering ladybugs are good luck??

2.    7 more days till the Royal Wedding …..can’t wait!!

 .   3.    Sleep is needed when taken care of someone…….needless to say I have officially worn myself out tending to the needs of the Mister. Xanex anyone?? 

   4.   Casey Abrams, James Durbin and Scotty McCreery should never sing "Viva La Vida" 

   5.    Wishing for a drama free day at Cubeville!!!

It's hard to keep quiet

It’s been 8 days since the Misters hip replacement and for some reason this recovery has been harder and more demanding than last time. This surgery was suppose to be a quicker recovery and less evasive but the Mister isn’t handling it as such. 
I understand that he had surgery and I understand that he can’t do certain things at the moment. I also understand that I am his wife and have to tend to his needs BUT there comes a time when enough is enough and this was apparent yesterday when I was sent home from work because I was about to lose it. I literally had stressed myself out and going on 2-3 hours of sleep a night in the last 8 days that yesterday I came to work and was throwing up from 7:30-11:30 ,almost falling asleep at my desk and crying after a phone call from one of our customers. 

I knew it was going to be tough, remember we went through this last year ………………but I don’t recall him being THIS needy or worrisome. I must have heard him complain about the swelling every time he woke up from his nap and I must have sounded like a broken record because time after time I would tell him “you just had surgery, and think about it if someone broke their wrist, arm, ankle or leg would it be swollen?”, “yes, I know I’m sorry”. It came to appoint were I was coming home having a glass of wine with a Unisom, but that never worked out like I had hoped because I would sleep for a few hours but then was awoken by the clanking of his walker, his moans, or his requests for more ice, more pillows, rub his feet, another ice pack, some water. Then there were the requests that I couldn’t really help him with which was his inability to go #2 !!  but when he kept complaining that he couldn’t go and simply told me that I don’t understand the pain of not being able to go for days I nearly  left him stranded on the toilet!!  “what do you mean I don’t understand? I think I understand completely….I have had 3 children and know all about NOT being able to GO or want to push” and miss Lily (my dog) stood right next to me who looked at me with the same confused look….heck she knew what I was talking about she had 4 puppies not so long ago!! …… so to make it easier for him and his feat I made him a pot of coffee, a couple Colace pills and prune juice for later.

I also know that it’s wrong for me to compare his hip replacement to my pelvic fracture (skiing accident 5 years ago) which took me out of work for nearly a month. In my head I compare it BUT I don’t voice it …… at the time I had no one to help me or take care of me, It was just me at the time(my children were with their dad on winter break) the guy that I went skiing with didn’t stick around to help with my recovery so it was me and my wheel chair. It was,  I think more painful than child birth. I remember having to use my crutches to get me out of my wheel chair and into my bed and at times I had to painfully drive myself to the doctors or to the store but at the beginning I was helpless.  There was no one to fetch my meds, get me an ice pack, grab me an extra pillow, help prop me up when I just couldn’t, make me something to eat, I had to somehow gather the strength from inside me and fight through the pain and I didn’t have weekly visits from a physical therapist to show me the safe way to get around. 

So, yesterday when I came home I knew that I needed to tend to ME. I needed to sleep and recharge because what good am I to anyone….meaning our children, the Mister and work if I’m down for the count!  I was able to rest a little bit but not enough because I ended up losing it and having it out with the Mister over a blanket!

April 20, 2011

If Mommy Dearest wrote a blog -Writing Prompt

This weeks Writing Prompt From
If my Mom were a blogger

I would assume she would take the not so honest approach about her life and go for the “feel sorry for me” tactic. Her “About Me “ would probably go something like this:

(and while you read this I'm the oldest of my sister and I)


Unhappily married for 35 + years, newly retired, mother of 2 girls and grandmother of 7 kids.

My wonderful life

Easter is just around the corner, this may be one of my very last Easters considering I’m getting up there in age so it will be just me and my husband on that glorious day. My youngest daughter and her family will be spending the holiday with her in-laws, I guess that’s ok considering it’s “their turn” and my oldest well, she’s in California and I don’t speak to her much so I’m not sure what her plans are. I should call my grandkids I haven’t talked to them in ages ; oh yeah I almost forgot I do have 2 new grandkids …..but again I think my grandkids should call me I am their grandma and who knows this may be my last Easter!

Well, today is another cold day. I’m so tired of this dreaded weather, I can’t stand this place and Jack is never here he’s always gone playing card games at that damn smoky bar.  I swear if it wasn’t for his retirement plan and pension I would have left him a long time ago when he had his little fling with that blonde years ago. My mother  always said I have to take care of myself you know!! So I play the role of happy wife when we are at family events.  If it were up to me I would move to Illnois to be closer to my daughter and my two adorable grandsons, my daughter and I  have the best relationship. I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of her. She’s married, lives in the suburbs, has her own business, she’s involved in her community and is a wonderful mother to her 2 little boys. She has always had it together unlike my oldest daughter……..my husband and I have pretty much written her off years ago. My youngest as always been successful in all that she does and we are so proud of her!

~ohhhh my dang knee~ if it’s not my back it has to be something and now my knee is killing me. I better call and set up an appointment to get that checked. I just found out my results for my recent visit to the doctors earlier this week……there was no hole in my throat. I swear there was something there….but I got a clean bill of health from my doctor. My oldest  thinks I’m a hypochondriac but it’s not my fault that I get sick every other day and have to make an appt to see my doctor. I’m not getting any younger and you can’t trust these doctors now a day, they are always missing something.

 Till next time 
Mommy Dearest  

April 15, 2011

What I'm reading

Since I’ve been accompanying the Mister the last couple days here at the hospital I’ve been reading “Something Borrowed” by Emily Griffin. I’ve seen this book on the shelves at Barnes and Nobles, Target and Walmart….I’ve even picked it up and read the back a couple of times but for some reason just always put it back, but after seeing the trailer the other night I decided it was time to buy the book because it’s going to be a “must see” once it comes out. 

As tired as I am and anxiously awaiting to lay down on that "ohh so comfy " cot in the corner I still find myself reaching for the book to read just a little bit more. In ways I can relate to the main character Rachel, who is just entering her thirties and is faced with the fact that her life isn’t like she had planned it out to be when she was little……she’s not married with children in tow, in actuality she’s not even close.  Although, for myself I had children when I turned 30......I was divorced for ten plus years and not close to finding THE ONE. So in a way I can relate to Rachel with her timeline crashing down right before her eyes and coming to the reality that.......life can't be based on timelines. 

So I'm going to stop blogging for the night and continue reading. 

Friday Five

1. Hospital food isn't all THAT bad

2. Enjoyed seeing Joe Biden and the lady behind him fall asleep during the speech.

3. Spending the night on a cot in the hospital is NOT like the Four Seasons....or the Best Western.

4. Really happy that the Rod Stewart sound a like "Paul" is no longer on American Idol

5. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

April 14, 2011

Mister in for hip replacement

So I've been at the hospital since 5:45 a.m, not for me but for the Mister. He is under going his 2nd hip replacement, the first one was last year on his left hip. Normally when you hear "hip replacement" you instantly think of some 70 year old, well the mister is the exception. As a child he was a dare devil....I wonder if Evil Kenevil was his someone he looked up too? the mister did ride his bike off the chicken coop as a child! and with all his "boys will be boys" antics he now is paying for it as a healthy forty year old.

I'm better prepared this time though, I brought our lap tops.....plenty of movies because if I see another episode of I Love Lucy I'm going to lose it!!! I picked up some games to play on our lap tops, I brought his pillow and a nice soft comfy blanket, because the hospital blankets are never quite soft enough! I remembered our phone chargers because last time we forgot ours and I had to venture out in downtown Los Angeles to locate a Walmart....I never found a walmart but I found a AT&T store and spent too much on a charger!!

Overall he's doing well, the surgery was a success now it's all about recovery and  pain free!!!

April 13, 2011

All Grown Up - Writing Prompt

The moment I realized I was a grown up

You would think it would have been when I was 17 and became a mother for the first time or when I was 20, married and had a second child, but in all reality I didn’t feel that I was grown up and ready to face the world until I was 22 heading for a divorce and pregnant …again. 

Now I had a lot to think about. Do I stay in this highly dysfunctional marriage and raise our 3 kids or do I admit defeat and get a divorce and put on the hat of “single mom”. I knew it would be hard but I couldn’t have my children grow up with us as their examples of how a marriage is suppose to be. I know what it’s like to have dysfunctional parents as my examples and well……………my children deserved to grow up with happy parents even if their parents lived in different houses.

I knew things would be difficult. I was now raising 2 little girls and a little guy on the way; by myself and now it was seriously time to GROW up.  I moved out of state to be closer to my family but even though they were in the next town over, it was me taking care of the little ones and at times taking on 2 jobs just to make things work. I remember the extreme satisfaction I had when I fixed the leak from under the  bathroom sink, mowed my own yard and shoveled  the snow off my drive way. I had to be the MAN of the house and tend to things in the house and be the MOM and watch over my children.

Don’t get me wrong……it wasn’t easy but it was definitely during that time in my life that I knew that I have truly grown up!

April 12, 2011

Mind over matter

The Mister and I enjoy watching Man Vs. Food from time to time, normally for just the pure satisfaction of seeing if he can conquer these crazy food quests. Well, a couple weeks ago we decided to have dinner at A.J Spurs up in Santa Barbara County and on the menu was a challenge and this food challenge sparked the Misters interest.  “The Gambler” a 35 oz steak must be eaten to win a t-shirt. It took the Mister close to an hour to consume this meat and all the while I sat eating my little 6 oz steak not sure if I could even finish it because with each bite the mister was taking I was getting a little grossed out……which is a strange behavior for me, because I LOVE a good steak!!

Well, last night the Mister made steak for dinner and while we were about to indulge in this steak I started to lose my appetite. I took one bite……it tasted great, but all I could think of was the Mister eating that 35oz steak and then I took a second bite and I was done. I couldn’t do it. I know  it’s all mental and you would think the Mister would have this issue considering he was the one who ate it but nope it’s me that can no longer enjoy the flavor of a nice seasoned steak! 

April 08, 2011

Friday Five

*upset that Pia got voted off American Idol last night

* Wishing this winter advisory would just stop already. Mother nature needs to make up her mind….last    week it was in the 80’s now it’s 40 something and snowing just down the hill.

* Don’t understand Empire Builder

* Wishing my glass of wine was right next to me, I really don’t feel like getting up walking into the kitchen to get it.

* Looking forward to the Royal wedding and yes I requested the day off of work!!

April 04, 2011

A day in Santa Barbara County

Our date started at 5:30 in the morning and as much as I couldn’t wait to head out to Santa Barbara County I still wanted to stay all cozy in bed and hit the snooze button. I didn’t though…..and I proceeded to get my tail out of bed and into the shower, miraculously we were out of the house and on the road by 6:30am.

Our first stop was breakfast at Tre Lune` in Montecito where we meet up with my childhood friend, Dawn and conversed over a heavenly plate of French toast smothered in maple syrup topped with bananas, a tasty omelet stuffed with sausage, onions and peppers, and an egg white omelet with prosciutto and tomatoes. OHHH and I can’t forget about the bread……this was one of the reasons why we had to revisit this restaurant and it’s for their Kalamata olive sour dough bread, it’s seriously to die for!! 

So we  made sure our bellies were nice and full to prevent us from getting a bit buzzed too soon….and when I say “us” I mean ME!!  The last time we went wine tasting I only had a bowl of cereal and let me just say that didn’t prevent me from getting a little tipsy after the first winery that we went to. 

The mister and I continued on to wine country and decided early on that we would just stick to the Foxen Trail Wineries…there were ones that we were instantly impressed with and of course joined their wine club and then there are ones that were just not to our liking, but that never dampened our little wine adventure we just continued on…..even accidently driving onto the property of the owners of a vineyard, we realized a few minutes later that we weren’t at the correct place so we headed straight back out the electric gates…..and that’s when we saw the sign “wine tasting 1.8 miles”.

Later that evening we decided to venture into Solvang for a place to have dinner although nothing really seemed appetizing we saw a venue that catered to wine lovers and animal lovers…..so I didn’t think twice and we headed inside. I really enjoyed Carivintas Winery , their bottles are labeled with dogs and cats that they have rescued through “Best friends animal society”, The HSUS, and many local animal shelters throughout the county and what really blew my mind is that a portion of their profits are donated to these groups every year….ohh it’s pet friendly too!! 

Needless to say our day in wine county was filled with laughter , great wine and beautiful scenery!!