It’s not like I had nothing to blog about it’s been quite a busy month. It’s just trying to find the time to sit in complete silence and type out a few blogs of pure witty genius and it’s not quite working out at this moment either. I have two dogs wrestling on top of me begging for attention……’s like the last hour of ball throwing and stuffed animal fetching wasn’t enough for them.
Like I said this month as been quite busy…….
The Mister has been recovering from his surgery and from what I had been told he was only going to be out of work for 3 weeks. Imagine my surprise when I found out that he was to be out of work for a total of a month and a half…….and he had a whole month to go. OK, so money would be a little tight but that would also give him the opportunity to get his resume updated and look for something better ……considering he had been complaining that he wasn’t getting the hours that he wanted and was talking about looking for something different while he was recovering. He would also be like Mr.Mom….the house would be cleaned, laundry done and kids homework completed. Well……let me just share with you that in the month and a half that he has been home his resume hasn’t been updated and as far as looking for something better. That didn’t happen. As far as the house being cleaned all the time……..well that was asking for too much.
My daughter was on the verge of not making it to senior year. Normally when a teen starts dating you would find that their grades would slide downwards because they are just consumed with the person that has their attention. This wasn’t the case for my daughter when she was dating her boyfriend her grades were incredible, but when she decided to break up with him because she was tired of all the drama her grades went from awesome to gruesome. She just didn’t care she made excuses for her grades…..the best one was when I told her about her D’s and she would try to tell “Mom….i have a high D not a low D”, so I started to email her teachers daily, viewed the student portal to make sure she turned in homework and did well on tests. So with enough threatening my daughters grades went from D’s and F’s to C’s,B’s and 1 A. So she’ll head on over to Senior year with no fear of not graduating on time.
Work is well… I wish at times there wouldn’t be so much drama but I guess if you work with 40 plus women there is bound to be the clash of the estrogen, but I’m thankful that I have a job. The only thing that I have a hard time with is still the absence of one of my closest friends…..well ex close friend. By absent I don’t mean she no longer works there she just has decided to stop talking to me all together. We were always close until I got moved to a different position and had to work with a different group of women, but I never ignored her and still wanted to do things after work but that’s when the excuses started. Then our daily walks stopped. Everything stopped. The Mister didn’t understand it and would constantly tell me to call her……but he just doesn’t get it. It wasn’t from the lack of me trying to save the friendship but I won’t beg someone for their friendship. I know she had a problem with some of the girls I worked with but I felt she shouldn’t judge them without getting to know them. A couple times she told me that she felt disconnected because I sit on the opposite side of the office now with the new girls. I couldn’t say anything or do anything to change her way of thinking just because I sit on the opposite side of the office shouldn’t mean adios on a friendship. Now at times work can be a little awkward and somewhat disappointing but what can I do?