Every year about this time many give up something for 40 days. Growing up and attending Catholic school we had to share what we had planned to give up as a sacrifice, normally it was “I’m going to stop being mean to my sister”, sometimes it was “I’m going to stop eating sweets”….none the less I think it probably lasted for a week or two until it slipped my mind. Sort of like a New Years Resolution, that’s why I seldom make New years resolutions because I’ll forget by week 3.
This year my daughter started to talk about giving something up, I instantly told her to give up her cell phone. That didn’t go over too well, then I mentioned “bread” and then ….my mouth spoke before I truly thought this one over, I said “and I will give it up with you so we can do it together”. Mind you I didn’t say “CARBS”, because if that was the case I would be such a bear by day 3. How hard would it be to give up bread? So my daughter and I agreed…….soon after she started to list off things she can’t eat at school “do cheetos count as a bread?”. Heck I don’t know…..Cheetos is a form of a chip right? and a chip comes from potatoes…..so technically if you think about it…I don’t think so.
Today is day one of no bread and obviously I didn’t think this one through prior to grocery shopping. I went home for lunch…stared at the items in the fridge and ended up having a slice of lunch meat, a few slices of a cucumber and a string cheese. Today is going to be a long day.
One day down…39 more days to go.