I have to admit I am a reality show, InTouch magazine, tweeter addict….well I think addict is a bit too harsh. These are just some of the things I enjoy and on my down time I will watch my shows that have been sitting in the DVR queue when the Mister is at work and the kids are with their dad----silence, just me and the remote control theres no one huffing in the background or commenting how stupid the show is.
Last night I couldn’t wait till the house was my own, I just had to find out what happened on the Bachelor. I had seen from twitter posts that Michelle was sent home. I could only imagine what sneaky antics she pulled or fight she picked with Brad just to get under his skin. I know she had this plan in her head to be the one to win the final rose, but it was obvious from the previous episode when she stated that “she wanted to be married to someone like Brad”…not “I want to be married to Brad”…..was it slip?? Yep. I’m just happy that Brad had enough of her…….believe me I AM!!
Next week is the hometown visits……and from the previews it doesn’t look to good for Emily or Chantel N. Hopefully, Emily will manage to get a rose and Brad will overlook the shyness of her daughter, but it doesn’t look good for Chantel N who takes Brad to her mortuary……hmmmm not a great move.
My prediction is that Chantel O and Emily will be the last 2 left……..but what I’m excited for is the “women tell all” episode!!! Claws will definitely will come out!!!